Canuck Place Children’s Hospice


Canuck Place Children’s Hospice provides paediatric palliative care for BC and Yukon children and families. The organization is also a global leader in paediatric palliative “best practices” and research.


Canuck Place Children’s Hospice operates at two locations, Vancouver and Abbotford and offers mobile clinical consultation, in-home, in-hospital, over the phone in urban and rural areas, as well as 24/7 phone support and grief and loss counseling.


At the time of our Conconi Challenge campaign, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice growing in response to increasing demands. As a result, programming was increasing and Conconi Challenge was a good vehicle to boost fundraising necessary to cover the additional services and build awareness around their work.


Conconi Family Foundation worked with Canuck Place staff to develop and deliver a video which would promote the Conconi Challenge Campaign and start a conversation.