Last month, we announced our Conconi Canuck Place Challenge. Starting June 9th, we matched dollar-for dollar, $200,000 in donations received by Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, BC’s recognized pediatric palliative care program.

Thanks to your amazing support, the Conconi Canuck Place Challenge has been met! Your generous donations have ensured that Canuck Place will be able to support more than 600 newborns, children and teens with life-threatening illnesses and their families from across BC who rely on the two provincial hospice locations in Vancouver and the new one in Abbotsford.

But Canuck Place still needs your help. You can continue to donate and help them meet their extraordinary goal of $1 million during their 20th year and help them continue to provide the complex medical care and support children and families need into the future. You can donate to Canuck Place here.


Questions? Reach out to us in the comments or on social media!

Facebook: Robertlconconifoundation

Twitter: @ConconiFndn

LinkedIn: Robert L. Conconi Foundation

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