Groundswell Education Society


Groundswell Education Society and its partner organization Groundswell Social Ventures deliver an alternative business education, one that focuses on developing an individual as much as the business idea. Currently operating in Vancouver’s Chinatown neighbourhood, Groundswell offers three distinct programs for entrepreneurs and businesses with social justice as an anchor.


Through the EXPLORE program, social entrepreneurs get to explore their passions, interests and ideas. BUILD is where these ideas take shape and TEST MARKET is a unique opportunity where initial products and services get tested and validated through a Granville Island Market Pop-up. The education journey is highly personalized through extensive mentorship from extraordinary entrepreneurs.


Career landscape is undergoing a major shift. It is estimated that by 2020 45% of Canadians will be self employed. The employment reality of today is that many of us will have multiple jobs and careers. We are expected to continuously develop, learn and change. With that in mind, it is not sufficient to incubate ideas and businesses we must focus on incubating the individual as well. And while we are at it, why not tackle other social problems?


The Conconi Family Foundation has worked closely with Groundswell and supported the organizations development. We’ve been privileged to witness the incredible growth and impact of their work. Now, we put our heads together for what’s next…