Everyone at the Robert L. Conconi Foundation is excited to announce that we are officially a member of Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC)! PFC is a member association of Canadian grantmakers, including private and public foundations, charities, and corporations. They support their members by encouraging public policies that promote philanthropy, increasing awareness of philanthropy’s contribution to Canadians’ well-being, and by providing opportunities for foundations to learn from each other.

Here at RLCF, we have always emphasized the value of collaboration and collective impact. In all of our grantmaking, we choose to not only fund a need, but to truly work closely with partner charities to identify opportunities and decide the appropriate course of action. We invest time, professional expertise, and our network of partners alongside grant funds. PFC shares the same values, and as a venue for connecting with other funders and exploring possibilities for collaboration, membership just made sense.

About PFC


PFC promotes the growth and development of its members in three main ways. First, it provides a collective voice by speaking out on legislative, regulatory, and other issues that affect foundations. Secondly, PFC builds a network by exploring and sharing ideas, common concerns and strategies, and leveraging resources for greater impact. Finally, PFC informs on good practice, by providing answers or guidance to information on topics of interest to grant makers, ranging from governance to the art of grantmaking to evaluation

PFC currently has 123 members, mostly consisting of family foundations of varying sizes and interests. PFC members collectively manage over $10 billion in assets and granted over $296 million in 2012 alone. Members range in asset size from under $10 million to over $100 million in assets.

Twice a year, PFC hosts a national conference looking at various challenges that impact philanthropy in Canada. In 2014, they welcomed to Halifax almost 200 representatives to discuss the opportunities and challenges of philanthropy in a changing Canada. They’re next conference will take place in late October in Toronto.

To learn more about PFC and how you can be a member, visit their website.


You can also reach out to RLCF on social media:

Facebook: Robertlconconifoundation

Twitter: @ConconiFndn

LinkedIn: Robert L. Conconi Foundation

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