Speaking of knowledge, we have repeatedly heard that there are gaps in information about areas of healthcare that are particularly troubling for older adults as they can advance or impede quality of life. One area of concern is the use of the Mental Health Act in long-term care. Another concern is the matter of availability and access to palliative care across the Province. As a result, we have partnered with Health Justice (Mental Heath Act in LTC) and Pallium Canada (Palliative Atlas BC) to help address those critical gaps in information. We hope that data and insights from these endeavours will be helpful to the end-knowledge users. Their value is in lived expertise and facts at the forefront of service delivery.
…And sometimes, it’s the concrete infrastructure that we need to launch
The Conconi Family Foundation has worked with a team at UBC School of Biomedical Engineering to launch a Biodevice Foundry. This purpose-built facility will bring new capacity to address common biomedical and clinical needs. The ultimate goal of the Biodevice Foundry is to improve the health of Canadians by developing new disease-specific diagnostics, therapeutics, and monitoring devices. This translation-centric vision, which emphasizes clinical application, is what got us excited about this partnership.