What We Fund

1. Sector

We focus our work in three sectors: healthcare, social services, and education.

2. Population Group

Our grant cycles are 7+ (3) years long and we narrow our work to a particular subset of the population.

Currently, our funding is aimed at supporting older adults, we are in year 4 of our funding commitment.

3. Stream

We fund through three streams systems change, research, and impact investing.

4. Theme

We develop a funding theme based on our proprietary research which helps us seek and evaluate funding opportunities.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted major challenges in long-term and primary care for older adults. We believe there is an immediate opportunity for philanthropy to make a difference.

Current Cycle: Aging Well BC

Timeline: 2020-2030

How can we shift to a new model of care that supports people to age in community, with the dignity, autonomy, kindness, and stability we’d want for ourselves?

Someday if we’re fortunate, we will join their cohort. We’ll want our agency, our rights, and a peaceful, predictable community around us. To make that happen with balance it’s time to return to the drawing board and find a new way forward.

What this means in practice — we will dedicate our time and capital to advance the following three areas:

The current care model is unsustainable, and generations-old. We will redefine ‘living well’ for people in need of institutional care.

To prepare for the future of in-community aging, we need to lean on some of the unusual suspects and their expertise to imagine what a truly integrated community care can look like.

We seek to address the finite, constantly over-stressed capacity of the current system with agile services, solutions, and funding mechanisms.